Ashland's Comprehensive Plan - Transportation Element (extract):

"Ashland has a vision - to retain our small-town character even while we grow. To achieve this vision, we must proactively plan for a transportation system that is integrated into the community and enhances Ashland's livability, character and natural environment...The focus must be on people being able to move easily through the city in all modes of travel, Modal equity...ensures that we will have the opportunity to conveniently and safely use the transportation mode of our choice, and allow us to move toward a less auto-dependent community."

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Streetscape patios for Ashland ?

One opportunity to enhance Ashland’s streetscape is in the downtown core with temporary and/or permanent streetscape patios.    
The downtown core already has a strong existing base of restaurants, businesses, and greenspace.   Adding to it will help continue economic prosperity for downtown businesses while maintaining the small town charm and character that helps attracts visitors to Ashland.  Streetscape patios are patios that extend the width of sidewalk to provide space for restaurants to provide outdoor seating and boutiques or other businesses to set‐up small displays similar to what might be seen at an open air marketplace...

See White Paper prepared for Ashland Trandpotation System Plan  [2011]

L.A. needs more street space for walking


...Angelenos shouldn’t have to navigate this social distancing obstacle course. There’s plenty of lightly used space available at this very moment that could be dedicated to exercise and the pursuit of fresh air. It’s right there, in the middle of the street...
...COVID-19 creates an unprecedented opportunity to experiment. Before, ambitious projects to slow speeding cars and make streets safer for pedestrians and bicyclists were dropped after commuters complained. Now? It’s quite possible that walkers and bikers outnumber drivers at the moment. There’s a constituency of homebound people desperately craving outdoor space...

see article: L.A. needs more street space for walking

Mapping How Cities Are Reclaiming Street Space

To help get essential workers around, cities are revising traffic patterns, suspending public transit fares, and making more room for bikes and pedestrians.

"The fight against coronavirus has brought cities to a standstill. With roughly one third of the global population under lockdown, vehicle traffic has all but vanished on the world’s busiest roads and highways. Public transit ridership in global metros has dropped by more than 80% since early January. For residents in one U.S. city, Seattle, the average daily travel distance has gone from the length of the Las Vegas Strip to that of a bowling alley..."